  1. Vroom Room

    June 13, 2024 by Sally S.

    Driving Question:

    How might I refurbish a van to a standard at which I can comfortably travel, live, and thrive in ?

    Project Summary:

    Sally, a grade 12 student from the UK, has always had a passion for adventure and the outdoors. Whether playing rugby, helping in the garden, or camping, she was often found outside, regardless of the weather. This love for nature inspired her mastery project: transforming a cargo van into a tiny home on wheels, aptly named “Vroom Room.”

    The project began with Sally purchasing a 2016 Renault Kangoo van, which she named Reggie. The process was lengthy, involving careful consideration of mileage, age, and build size. Once she had the van, Sally embarked on learning interior design, focusing on color schemes and creating electrical systems, particularly solar-powered ones. She developed a 3D model using an analogous color scheme with yellows, greens, and oranges.

    Sally faced significant challenges, especially with the electrical system. Despite seeking help from friends experienced in robotics, she had to experiment repeatedly before successfully creating a dual system powered by solar energy and the van’s starter battery. This system now supports a fridge, USB ports, spotlights, and a water pump.

    The construction phase involved measuring, cutting, insulating, and wiring the van. Sally encountered multiple obstacles, such as ensuring the wiring wouldn’t break from the van’s vibrations and addressing condensation issues to prevent mold. Time constraints also pressured her, but with the help of an external mentor specializing in furniture design, she completed the interior furnishings swiftly.

    With the assistance of another mentor in renewable engineering, Sally learned wiring, soldering, and connecting systems. After overcoming numerous hurdles, she successfully transformed the bare cargo van into a functional tiny home. The finished van includes a bed, foldable tables, flowing water, and fully operational electrics.

  2. VR Touch

    by Mishkatul Ain N.

    Driving question:

    How can I create a prosthetic device using my knowledge of haptics, brain computer interface and human body?

    Product output from this module:

    1. A virtual environment

    2. A pair of haptic gloves

    3. A system that uses the above along with a BCI to allow someone with disability in hand to function as a prosthetic device.

    Module Summary:

    Mishkatul, one of our senior students, from Bangladesh, presented her mastery project, VRTouch, which aims to integrate haptic technology with virtual reality (VR). Inspired by her early interest in creating devices, such as a traffic LED glove for her country’s congested roads, Mishkatul explored the potential of haptics to enhance VR experiences. She aimed to create a haptic device that allows users to feel weight and tactile sensations in a virtual environment.

    Mishkatul’s project involved creating a haptic feedback glove with actuators that simulate pressure, temperature, texture, and weight. She encountered various challenges, particularly with soldering small components, but her passion and perseverance helped her overcome these obstacles. She constructed prototypes and tested them, integrating them with VR technology to create immersive experiences like a virtual gym.

    Throughout her project, Mishkatul was guided by mentors, including Kenzie from TGS and Ross, a PhD student from Berkeley, who provided support and resources. She also conducted extensive research, reading over 50 academic papers to deepen her understanding of haptics and VR.

    Mishkatul’s future plans include studying biomedical engineering at the University of Rochester, where she hopes to further develop her ideas and contribute to advancements in haptic technology for prosthetic and robotic arms. Her project exemplifies her dedication to blending technology and empathy to create innovative solutions.

  3. Treat Yourself

    December 4, 2023 by Yana P.

    Driving Question:

    How can I design a wellness app that effectively promotes healthy lifestyle choices for individuals of all ages and fitness levels?

    Project Summary:

    ana P., from India and Zambia, decided to undertake her year-long mastery project to create a wellness app designed to promote healthy lifestyle choices suitable for individuals of all ages and fitness levels, which she called “Treat Yourself”

    Yana’s passion for baking and yoga, which have been consistent interests in her life despite other fleeting hobbies, inspired her to create this app. As she grew older and became busier with school and travel, she found herself spending less time on these activities. Through this project, Yana aims to reconnect with her passions, master them, and share them with others via her app.

    The primary goal of her project is to design a functioning wellness app that features healthy recipes and mindfulness activities. Currently halfway through the project, Yana has developed a prototype of the app using a low-code online platform. She prepared for the content creation by completing several online courses, including certifications in nutrition, vegan and gluten-free baking, and yoga teaching.

    Yana provides a brief demonstration of the app, showcasing its blog section where users can read about her experiences, such as meditating in Bosnia or trying a digital detox. Another feature of the app is yoga videos, which was a new and somewhat embarrassing experience for her as she transitioned from teaching live classes to filming and narrating them. Additionally, the app includes various recipes contributed by Yana and fellow TGs students, like gluten-free cupcakes, protein balls, and yogurt bowls.

    Looking ahead, Yana plans to consider publishing and the associated rights after graduating from TGS. She intends to create more content, develop additional prototypes, and release the app for feedback.

  4. AgeWise

    June 13, 2023 by Gabriel T.

    Driving Question:

    How can virtual assistant technologies be utilized to design a safe smart home for the elderly and dependent individuals?

    Project Summary:

    Gabriel T., one of our seniors from Ecuador, has undertaken a project to address the challenges faced by elderly and dependent individuals through the integration of virtual assistant technology into their homes. Motivated by the struggles his grandparents faced with dementia and limited mobility, Gabriel sought to enhance their daily lives while lightening the load on their caregivers. This project was driven by the belief that technology could significantly increase independence and quality of life for the elderly and dependent, while also supporting caregivers in their essential roles.

    The heart of Gabriel’s project lies in the strategic deployment of Amazon Alexa devices throughout his grandparents’ home. These devices were carefully placed to address specific needs: improving communication, enhancing organization, and providing entertainment. For instance, Alexa enabled his grandparents to communicate more effectively with their caregivers, despite challenges such as a weak voice. It also helped caregivers stay organized by reminding them of tasks that are easily overlooked in the busyness of daily routines, like adding items to the shopping list or remembering to administer medication.

    One of the most impactful aspects of Gabriel’s project was the introduction of routines and entertainment options through Alexa. His grandparents now had access to audiobooks, music, and routines that provided structure to their day. For instance, Gabriel programmed an alarm system that alerted caregivers if something was wrong, providing immediate assistance when needed. These enhancements not only improved the quality of life for his grandparents but also provided them with a greater sense of security and independence.

    The initiative also highlighted the broader potential of technology to support elderly and dependent individuals across different households. By documenting and sharing his approach, Gabriel aimed to create a replicable model that could be implemented in other households facing similar challenges. This approach not only illustrated the transformative power of technology but also emphasized the importance of compassion and human touch in caregiving.

    In conclusion, Gabriel T.’s project represents a significant step forward in leveraging technology to support vulnerable members of society. It demonstrated how digital solutions can be integrated into daily life to enhance independence, improve quality of care, and provide peace of mind to both caregivers and their charges. Through his efforts, Gabriel has shown that with thoughtful design and implementation, technology can play a pivotal role in promoting dignity, security, and happiness in the lives of elderly and dependent individuals.

  5. Foodstainable

    by Andrea D.

    Driving Question:

    How can I reduce food waste, help dog shelters, and start a campaign in Peru and Oman by creating dog food?

    Project Summary:

    Andrea D, a Grade 11 student from Peru, observed the plight of stray dogs and the immense food waste generated each year. With over 300 million stray dogs globally and six million in Peru, many of which forage in garbage dumps, she saw an opportunity to tackle these issues simultaneously.

    In 2021, it was reported that half of Peru’s food was discarded, and Andrea realized that this wasted food could potentially feed countless stray dogs. Motivated to make a difference, she founded “Sustainable Kibble,” an initiative focused on creating dog food from food waste.

    Through extensive research, Andrea discovered that many commercial dog foods contain harmful preservatives and artificial colorings, which can cause health issues like allergies, high blood lipid levels, and cancer. She found that natural preservatives such as cabbage and beets not only preserve food but also provide natural coloring and make it more appealing to dogs. Additionally, papaya seeds were identified as an effective natural dewormer.

    Andrea experimented with different formulations and flavors, even testing the kibble on her own dogs to ensure its effectiveness. Her research, which demonstrated the viability of using natural ingredients in dog kibble, was documented in a paper she encourages others to read.

    To broaden the impact of her project, Andrea created a multilingual website (available in English, Spanish, and Chinese) where people can access her research, donate, share information, replicate the project in their communities, and purchase affordable dog food. Her ultimate goal is to establish a non-profit organization funded through donations and sales, with profits used to sterilize stray dogs to help reduce the stray dog population.

    Andrea’s vision is to feed and deworm stray dogs while reducing food waste, fostering a compassionate community, and promoting sustainable practices. She invites everyone to join her in making a positive and lasting impact on both the environment and the lives of stray dogs.

  6. English for Afghan Women

    by Mehdia S.

    Project Summary:

    Mehdia S, a senior student from Afghanistan, embarked on a mission to support women in her home country facing severe restrictions on education and social participation imposed by the Taliban since their takeover in August 2021. Recognizing the critical impact of these bans, which have left millions of girls without access to schooling or higher education, Mehdia launched the “English for Afghan Women” program to enhance English language and soft skills among Afghan girls.

    Far from Afghanistan, Mehdia found a way to contribute meaningfully by founding the English language program under the Afghan Youth Empowerment Camps, an organization she co-founded in 2019. This program, initiated from September to December, focused on developing reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills to elevate students’ proficiency from beginner to intermediate levels.

    The program attracted around 300 applicants, from which students were selected based on their academic needs. Mehdia and her team organized classes, assigned tasks, and provided weekly feedback and quizzes to monitor progress. The initiative also involved recruiting volunteers who received letters of recommendation for their contributions.

    The project concluded with the distribution of certificates to participants, marking the successful completion of the program. Through this initiative, Mehdia aimed to empower Afghan women, believing strongly in the transformative power of educating women for the broader societal good. As she noted, “If you educate a man, you educate an individual; but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.”

  7. Info Link

    July 26, 2022 by Siphokazi S.

    Driving Question: How might we use blockchain technology to create future innovative ventures?

    What were your goals for this module? How did you achieve them?

    At the beginning of this module, I wasn’t quite sure what blockchain was and all I wanted to do was figure it out. By the end of the module, I was able to go beyond just understanding basic blockchain I was able to merge it with something that I enjoyed in my summative product.

    What new things did you learn about yourself?

    I learned to embody the TGS core value of grit, as I was online because of COVID this term. It really taught me to be patient with myself and to let my curiosity fuel me and challenge me to learn something new. This term was full of a lot of personal growth and I can proudly say I’m not the same as I was in the beginning of the term.

    What are your big takeaway lessons from this project?

    I think that my biggest lesson is to trust myself. At the beginning of this project, I was scared that I wouldn’t understand anything because I didn’t have a background in tech and coding. I thought I would really struggle, and before I even started the module, I was stressed about it. But I convinced myself to open my mind and be positive and to link it with something I understood.

  8. Kolmnaist: A Female-focused NFT Project

    by Methini G., Helena F., and Viktoria L.

    View their project here:

    Driving Question: How might we use blockchain technology to create future innovative ventures?

    What were your goals for this module?

    Helena: My biggest goal for the module was having good teamwork with my peers, learning about blockchain, and applying it to something I am really passionate about. Having an impactful final summative that showcases an issue is so important for our community, and I’m proud to see that we achieved all of them together.

    Methini: For our module summative, my teammates and I designed a project called Kolmnaist, which means three women. The theme of our project was using blockchain technology to create an NFT collection that empowers women from India, Estonia, and Brazil.

    My goal for this module was to understand what blockchain is and how it works because blockchain was a whole new topic for me. When we started learning about blockchain, all I could think about was its negative aspects, like affecting the environment and people. But later on, we explored how we can use blockchain for a positive impact.

    Studying the fourth industrial revolution is genuinely a shock on how innovative the world is becoming.

    What new things did you learn about yourselves?

    Helena: I learned that I am actually very interested in exploring this technology that, at first, I didn’t think I was ever going to connect to.

    Methini: I learned to develop my pitching skills and also realized that I’m not too fond of blockchain and its future roles in our day-to-day life.

    What are your biggest takeaway lessons from this project?

    Helena: I think I learned a lot about adversity and dealing with things going out of plan, but still being able to adapt and make the most out of it.

    Methini: My biggest takeaway from this module is to be confident while pitching/presenting, have clear eye contact with the audience, and understand ways to use blockchain positively.

  9. Cash $Back

    by Noah D.

    Driving Question: How might we use blockchain technology to create future innovative ventures?

    What were your goals for this module? How did you achieve them?

    My goal for this module was to develop a solid and applicable understanding of blockchain. Coming in, I knew absolutely nothing about NFTs, cryptocurrency, decentralized finance, or web 3.0. Now, I can say that I have a significant knowledge bank about these emerging technologies. I was able to apply my understanding to create a wireframe and white paper for a decentralized face-to-face loaning platform: Cash $Back.

    What new things did you learn about yourself?

    Through this module, I learned a lot about the feedback process. I had multiple ideas for my module summative that I was really excited about. However, when I brought them up with guest speakers and module leads, they got picked apart and heavily criticized. I realized that I didn’t know quite as much as I thought about blockchain, and as such was able to begin seeing this feedback not as something to fear, but something to learn from. By the end of the module, I hoped for critical feedback on my work, as I knew that that is what would help me the most.

    What are your big takeaway lessons from this project?

    From this module, I took away a really good understanding of a technology that could be very relevant to all of us in the future. I found a passion for design – spending hours on end choosing color palettes, font combinations and arranging features for my wireframe. I came to new realizations about how educational access and wealth inequality can hinder or aid the adoption of new technologies – an insight into the privilege I have to do so. Finally, I came up with an idea that, if developed properly, could lead me to a path of dApp development and entrepreneurship. Blockchain is now a huge passion of mine.

  10. Fila Tigui

    July 25, 2022 by Yeli K.

    Driving Question:
    How might we use blockchain technology to create future innovative ventures?

    What were your goals for this module?

    My goal for this module was to design a decentralized app, token/coin, or NFT collection based on a concrete understanding of what blockchain is. I achieved my goals by being particularly attentive with our guest speakers and asking many questions to understand what blockchain is.

    What new things did you learn about yourself?

    I learned how interested I am for the potential impact of Web 3.0 on our world.

    What are your big takeaway lessons from this project?

    Blockchain is the future.

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