  1. Carpentry Innovation

    August 1, 2023 by Niko W.

    Driving Question:

    How can you use traditional Bosnian carpentry techniques to create innovative product designs?

    Module Summary:

    The “Carpentry and Innovation” module, tasked students with transforming a plank of wood into an innovative and culturally significant piece over five days. Working closely with local experts in Konjic, the students learned traditional Bosnian carving techniques. They designed and created wooden carvings and objects, using both sketches and 3D models.

    Students visited the Zanat factory and a wood carving museum, where they were introduced to different types of wood, carpentry, and woodworking techniques. They also delved into the innovation aspect, learning about the difference between innovation and invention, legal and ethical considerations, and the process of idea protection through patents, trade secrets, and copyrights.

    After mastering the basics, the students created their final products in two factory spaces: Elektra, where they worked on sawing, chiseling, and filing their basic shapes, and Zanat, where they refined their shapes, added intricate patterns, and completed their projects with sanding and oiling.

    Niko W.’s final product is an oak wooden boat with a unique texture designed to enhance its hydrodynamic performance, akin to the dimples on a golf ball or sharkskin texture. He employed two types of chiseling techniques—flat-headed, curved, and V-shaped—to serve different purposes in crafting the boat. The rip saw, while providing a cleaner cut, required more time compared to the bow saw, which removed more material but left a rougher finish.

    Initially using the rip saw for shaping, Niko later switched to the bow saw based on feedback from Alestra staff, prioritizing time efficiency over surface smoothness, as he planned to refine the boat’s sides through subsequent shaping and sanding. To achieve smoother edges and surfaces, he utilized a file initially for its material-removal capability, followed by 80-grit sandpaper to refine the texture further.

  2. AgeWise

    June 13, 2023 by Gabriel T.

    Driving Question:

    How can virtual assistant technologies be utilized to design a safe smart home for the elderly and dependent individuals?

    Project Summary:

    Gabriel T., one of our seniors from Ecuador, has undertaken a project to address the challenges faced by elderly and dependent individuals through the integration of virtual assistant technology into their homes. Motivated by the struggles his grandparents faced with dementia and limited mobility, Gabriel sought to enhance their daily lives while lightening the load on their caregivers. This project was driven by the belief that technology could significantly increase independence and quality of life for the elderly and dependent, while also supporting caregivers in their essential roles.

    The heart of Gabriel’s project lies in the strategic deployment of Amazon Alexa devices throughout his grandparents’ home. These devices were carefully placed to address specific needs: improving communication, enhancing organization, and providing entertainment. For instance, Alexa enabled his grandparents to communicate more effectively with their caregivers, despite challenges such as a weak voice. It also helped caregivers stay organized by reminding them of tasks that are easily overlooked in the busyness of daily routines, like adding items to the shopping list or remembering to administer medication.

    One of the most impactful aspects of Gabriel’s project was the introduction of routines and entertainment options through Alexa. His grandparents now had access to audiobooks, music, and routines that provided structure to their day. For instance, Gabriel programmed an alarm system that alerted caregivers if something was wrong, providing immediate assistance when needed. These enhancements not only improved the quality of life for his grandparents but also provided them with a greater sense of security and independence.

    The initiative also highlighted the broader potential of technology to support elderly and dependent individuals across different households. By documenting and sharing his approach, Gabriel aimed to create a replicable model that could be implemented in other households facing similar challenges. This approach not only illustrated the transformative power of technology but also emphasized the importance of compassion and human touch in caregiving.

    In conclusion, Gabriel T.’s project represents a significant step forward in leveraging technology to support vulnerable members of society. It demonstrated how digital solutions can be integrated into daily life to enhance independence, improve quality of care, and provide peace of mind to both caregivers and their charges. Through his efforts, Gabriel has shown that with thoughtful design and implementation, technology can play a pivotal role in promoting dignity, security, and happiness in the lives of elderly and dependent individuals.

  3. Urban Gardens

    January 27, 2022 by Viktoria L.,Rachel C.,Samy M.

    This module was one of my favourites, as I learned more about the ins and outs of sustainable buildings in the state of Oaxaca and a little bit of architecture. Ever since TGS introduced the core value of Pixki, I have become more aware of the environment and the impact humans have had and will continue to have on the world around us. Every small project like this makes me think more and become conscious of my actions.

    -Class of 2022 Student Viktoria L.

    Driving Question: How might we use our understanding of architecture through time to design a context-informed structure?

    What were your goals for this module? How did you achieve them?

    Our goal this term was to create a sustainable settlement that involved the development of a community garden, greenhouse, and administrative building to encourage ethnobotanical practices in the city of Oaxaca. We achieved this by creating an environmental impact statement, presenting it to a panel of Oaxacan architects, and applying the feedback we received from them to build a miniature settlement in real life.

    We acquired the knowledge to do so from our weXplore, where we first practiced building models and creating environmental impact assessments. Tierra De Sol also factored in, as it’s where we learned more about sustainable practices. Oaxacan architects also played a large part, as they answered our questions even after the panel.

    What new things did you learn about yourself?

    We learned that we are very good at building expandable walls as a team. At Tierra De Sol, we were given the chance to do so, and we were the fastest, most efficient group of all. We sawed and drilled twice as many sticks as everyone else. Our secret was that everyone had a role in the activity, and we worked the best we could.

  4. Fresh Air Project

    by Sara G.

    This module was unique to me, as I had never known how interested I was in architecture until I experienced it during these two months. I have also learned the importance of focusing on the journey and the learning instead of making my product look perfect.

    -Class of 2023 Student Sara G.

    Driving Question: How can I design and build a model home or community that will function efficiently in a desert environment?

    Are you looking for a house that is both nature-friendly and luxurious? Then my project, “Fresh Air,” is perfect for you! Located in The Palm Islands, it combines different panoramic views, from the relaxing beach view to the moat with the fish, and finally, the lush green spaces all around the house.

    This house combines many aspects of sustainability: It saves water by taking it from the beach and using it in the pool and the moat. The greywater is used for watering the garden and for the flowers all around the house. The materials used (concrete, bamboo, etc.) are very eco-friendly. Solar panels help produce electricity using solar energy. The fish in the moat produce waste that contributes to the growing of plants.

  5. Biocities: Building a Better Farming System

    June 15, 2021 by Seb O.

    Driving Question: How can I apply my understanding of closed system ecosystems to design a better farming system in my city?

    Module Overview: In the Biocities module, Seb looked at how naturally functional systems work and how we can apply that understanding to increase the efficiency of food production in a more sustainable and resilient fashion.

    Project Reflection: “The Biocities module was really interesting. I loved the independence given by the educators and the ability to take the product where I wanted to take it. I learned so much about agriculture, useful 3D design skills, and animation techniques and was able to conduct a closed-system experiment via a BioBottle.”

  6. The West Egg: Taking Eggs from Farm to Table

    June 8, 2021 by Hanna Westphal

    Driving Question: How can I make a farm-to-table egg delivery service become a viable business in a suburban community?

    What did you take away from this project? I learned that perseverance is very important in order to get the end result you want. When I thought I was done and then realized there was something that bugged me in my video I made sure to take the time and fix it. This was very frustrating at times but in the end I was very happy and confident with my proposal.

    What are you most proud of? I’m most proud of the extremely useful life skills I learned throughout this process….and that I made $485 of total income.

  7. The Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion

    February 24, 2021 by Monica D.

    Driving Question: How does the fashion industry work in China and what are its impacts?

    For her personal project, CM2 student Monica D. created a video essay focusing on fast fashion’s environmental impact. The presentation’s goal was to convey the environmental effects of fast fashion and how everyone can help reduce these negative effects by being conscious of the items they choose to buy and donating clothes instead of throwing them away.

    Clothing brands make new clothes based on the trends of the moment and churn them out quickly to make them accessible to the general public. Brands that do this are considered fast fashion brands and create a total of 150 billion garments per year.

    Monica discusses how the mass amount of clothing produced affects the environment, including the ocean and land, and explains how the production of clothing – from beginning to end – releases an unimaginable amount of greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide into the air. For example, during the fiber production stage, oil is utilized. Next, when the clothes are produced, chemicals are added to change the appearance of the textiles. As the consumer uses the garment, it is washed with additional chemicals, and finally, after use, it goes to landfills where it is eventually burned.

    So what can you do about the issue? Monica explains that the main thing you can do is decrease your purchase of fast fashion brands. If everyone did, this would lower consumption, and these brands would be forced to reduce their production, lessening the environmental impact. Also, when purchasing clothes, look into buying items that are made through greener methods.

  8. State of the World Module: Hempographics

    January 14, 2021 by Effie H., Teddy F. , and Zuzanna W.

    Driving Question: How can we think critically to effectively inform citizens in a media manipulated world?

    What were your goals for this module? How did you achieve them?

    Our goal was to raise awareness about hemp and show some common misconceptions about this plant while connecting it all to the theme of sustainability. We presented our campaign on Instagram.

    What did you learn about yourself or about your creative process or about your medium?

    We learned that the process of choosing a font is a very long one and that critical thinking skills can help us find misconceptions in the social media world. 

  9. Our Impact

    January 13, 2021 by Sofia V.

    Driving Question: How can I use photography to raise awareness about our human behavior’s impact on the environment?

    Project Description

    My personal project this term is a photography project about human behavior’s impact on the environment. While wondering why we are not acting as urgently as we should for the climate crisis, I found people often see the crisis as a distant challenge, both in time and in space. Through this project, I wanted to raise awareness about the impact of our daily and individual actions on the environment, and ultimately, bring people closer to the challenge.


    “My main takeaway from this project is that, no matter how global any challenge is, the individual action will end up making the difference.”

  10. Future of Fashion Module: Estonia’s Circular Economy and Designing a Carbon-Neutral Sneaker

    January 6, 2021 by Viktoria L.

    Driving Question: How might we produce a product or concept that contributes to a more sustainable fashion future?

    What were your goals for this module? How did you achieve them?

    My goals for this module were to learn more about the circular economy in Estonia’s fashion industry and create a sustainable sneaker design using existing solutions. I achieved my goals by doing research and then creating a small presentation and designing a shoe using Photoshop. I gained inspiration from various sneaker companies. My presentation is down below, but you can also access it HERE on Canva, in case you’d like to check out the links and citations.

    What did you learn about yourself or about your creative process or about your medium?

    In this module, we focused on all the necessary and unavoidable future developments in the fashion industry, which will hopefully happen during the next few decades. As climate change is slowly starting to emerge from all the other problems under the sun, companies are trying to keep up with the demand for sustainable garments. A good illustration of how serious climate change is would be comparing it to our body temperature – if one’s below 37 degrees Celsius, it’s alright. However, only 2 degrees make a big difference in one’s well-being. For example, when I had a high fever, I felt extremely lethargic – now, imagine the Earth not functioning properly. Exactly – it would be a mess, especially happening at a rapid speed!

    It was encouraging to learn how other countries have inspired the Estonian Ministry of the Environment to participate in improving their circular economy systems and how studies conducted have found that, although there’s still a lot of improvement to be done, the environmental awareness index had increased from 37,5/100 in 2014 to 47/100 in 2020. This module made me notice a lot of things I haven’t before, and before buying anything, I’d advise everyone to not rely heavily on surmise, but rather think twice before letting a new clothing item into your life.

    My summative consisted of making a brief summary about sustainability in the Estonian fashion industry. Additionally, I also designed an illustrative sneaker that could contribute to the importance of sustainability. I learned that it’s very challenging to learn how to use Photoshop, even more so to master the art of designing a sneaker (which I think I still need to practice in case I want to continue exploring this area of fashion). I didn’t know a lot about materials and where they’re sourced from in Estonia, nor did I know how much of an impact we could have on garment factory workers’ health and well-being. It wasn’t a big surprise for me to discover that making a sneaker using entirely Estonian-sourced goods would most likely result in more CO2 emissions than just buying it in bulk from Finland, where they, in turn, get it from India or Turkey.

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