
Squad App for Online School

October 7, 2020 by Students Yeli K. Nila N. Malak B.

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Learning Targets

  • Applied Experimental Science and Problem Solving Methods
  • Research Methods
  • Scientific Concepts
  • Teaming and Collaboration

Driving Question: How might we collaboratively implement a design-thinking process to meet the needs of the community we serve?

What were your goals for this module? How did you achieve them?

Our goal for this module was to find a solution to help teens in online school keep in contact with their friends. We wanted our final product to be easily implementable and useable. We achieved our goal by following the steps design process and consulting students in our community. 

What did you learn about yourself or about your creative process or about your medium?

As a group, we learned the importance of hybrid brainstorming in collaboration. It allowed us to connect different ideas when problem solving to create a better overall product. 

What did this project mean to you?

This project is important for us because we made something to positively impact our community in these difficult times.

We made this notion webpage to teach students how to use the app in the TGS community: