
Search & Rescue

December 3, 2023 by Student Keetah B.

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Learning Targets

  • Applied Sciences & Technology
  • Interpretation and Expression

Driving Question: How can I improve my diving skills through the SSI Stress and Rescue Course and apply them to the artistic practice of jewelry making to create jewelry inspired by the ocean?

Project Summary:

Keetah’s project “Search and Rescue,” creatively combines her passion for rescue diving and jewelry making. Her journey began with her first diving experience, which was life-changing despite initial struggles with focus and awareness. This inspired her project goal: to improve her diving skills through the SSI Stress and Rescue course and apply these skills to create ocean-inspired jewelry.

The first part of her project involved taking the stress and rescue course to enhance her diving abilities, specifically focusing on identifying and managing stress in underwater and above-water situations. This included completing an online course with extensive note-taking, pool diving sessions to reinforce basic skills, and an open water dive where she successfully applied her new skills in real-world scenarios, demonstrating improved awareness and ability to assist others.

The second part of her project combined her newfound diving skills with jewelry making, inspired by a conversation with her instructor about underwater treasure hunting. She decided to create jewelry from materials found in the ocean, using a wire wrapping technique that suited her aesthetic vision. After some trial and error with materials, Keetah crafted her final pieces using sea glass, seashells, and other natural elements, completing a project that symbolized her love for the ocean and her growth as a diver.